News 2013
Dr. Pan has moved to Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization as an Assistant Professor.
Congratulation and Good luck!
Site-visit by the Director of Ruskinn Technology Ltd.
Mr. Andrew Skinn came to our hypoxia facility, and told us the history of Ruskinn.
Happy Wedding Party for Dr Sekine!
Fujii-sensei came from Sweden!!
Graduation (March 27)
New Doctors Hirano (left) and Yamazaki (right)
Press release: "Gene modified mouse model for EPO-deficiency anemia"
Original article: Yamazaki S, Souma T, Hirano I, Pan X, Minegishi N, Suzuki N*, Yamamoto M*. A mouse model of adult-onset anaemia due to erythropoietin deficiency. Nature Commun 4:e1950 (2013) *corresponding author
Moving (Aug 27)
We have moved from 5th floor to 4th floor, and cleaned up the lab we used.
Lab-opening party (Aug. 30)
with Susi and Pig (not beef) tongue.
Farewell (Sep. 27)
Dr. Yamazaki has graduated and entered Hirosaki Univ. as a medical student. Congratulation and Good luck!
11月25日 NHK「あさイチ」で研究内容が紹介されました。